This page tells you Information about us and the legal terms and conditions (T&C) of using this site. These terms and conditions (T&Cs) apply to . Please read these conditions carefully before using this website as by doing so, you are agreeing to T&Cs By being on this site you agree that you are of legal age to purchase these items.
Amend our terms and conditions Terminate user accounts at our discretion
All content included on this website, such as logos, graphics, photographs, text, images and software, is property of Murr Demurr and its affiliates. You must not: * Copy, reproduce and use any of the content for other than your own personal use. * Distribute, modify reproduce any of the websites content.
Murr Demurr is compliant with the data protection act. We will not forward your details to any third party without your prior consent.
Payments can be made through PayPal and all major credit/debit cards. Payments are due upon the order being place.
You are responsible for the upkeep of your account. Murr Deumrr does not know your password and it is your job to keep personal details private. Any problems with your account please contact us.
What we record Full name and contact details Bank details are stored threw PayPal which we cannot access Other info; specific requirements obtained through your order at tru demurr
To communicate with you in connection with purchase transactions. Your information is safe and private with Murr Demurr. Your address and telephone number will be passed on to our currier for delivery purposes. To obtain your details please email at
Please refer to orders and returns page
No specials at the moment.
None of the mentioned terms and conditions affects your statutory consumer rights.
You agree to indemnify us against any claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses including legal fees, arising out of your use of this site.
All contract will be governed by the laws of England and wales and the parties to the contract submit to the jurisdiction of the England courts.